Heading to the Calientes, we kick things off with Nina soaking up that pleasant view. 😌 pic.twitter.com/yFqidGud89
— Autumn 👽 grilled cheese aspiration (@pixelatedpanic) December 16, 2021
Dina's after that (coughcough widow inheritance) ring, so why wait?
— Autumn 👽 grilled cheese aspiration (@pixelatedpanic) December 16, 2021
Dina: Morty, lately Pleasantview has been all about new beginnings. I'm ready for mine. With you...if you'll have me? 🥺
Mortimer: Who could say no to such an angel? Of course, mi amor. pic.twitter.com/w6kSNLyEOK
A second marriage for them both, Dina and Mortimer threw caution to the wind and went for a quick and private ceremony. They knew they'd have alot to answer for with their prospective families, but hey? Being swept up in the romance felt like magic. 💍 pic.twitter.com/UbScXvF6xe
— Autumn 👽 grilled cheese aspiration (@pixelatedpanic) December 16, 2021
Dina: Yahoo, Nee! I came up to ask if you'd pour some drinks for the newest Goth!😉
— Autumn 👽 grilled cheese aspiration (@pixelatedpanic) December 16, 2021
Nina: ...Tell me you're joking. Dina! Isn't he like related to you or something?!
Dina: Ew, no! Wow, you can just NEVER be happy for me, huh? At least I'm not hung up on good-time Don! pic.twitter.com/W1FHaLX4WS
After consummating the marriage (over&over), Dina and Mortimer stopped long enough to power up with some mac&cheese.
— Autumn 👽 grilled cheese aspiration (@pixelatedpanic) December 16, 2021
Dina: Bella wasn't exaggerating! You're an incredible lover Morty...woooooow.
Mortimer: Ah mi amor, years of appreciating women teaches some valuable skills. pic.twitter.com/VHwZUe2vmU
Nina hated admitting that her sister's wedding, happening without even discussing it with her, had hurt. What would her future look like in Pleasantview? A town of families - even Don! She was ready to set out and see what the bright lights of Downtown had to offer. pic.twitter.com/EhC8gH7EwS
— Autumn 👽 grilled cheese aspiration (@pixelatedpanic) December 16, 2021
The next morning, Dina woke up feeling nauseous and a little suspicious.
— Autumn 👽 grilled cheese aspiration (@pixelatedpanic) December 16, 2021
Dina: Morty would you maybe one day consider another baby goth?
Mortimer: Whatever happens, happens, mi amor!
Why did the thought make her so happy? Especially when she wasn't quite sure who the father was pic.twitter.com/rOWHGrxJIT
The next morning had her suspicions confirmed. Earlier than she'd hoped (they hadn't even talked with Morty's family yet) but she couldn't stop herself from being excited. A little Goth was getting ready to enter the neighborhood! 🍼
— Autumn 👽 grilled cheese aspiration (@pixelatedpanic) December 16, 2021
...Surely, NOT a Lothario...right? pic.twitter.com/K2kT6aHwK1
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